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Research Interests

At a very high level, I like building tech that helps people stay safe online. My body of work is centered around the design of supportive experiences for the average internet user and for groups who may feel unheard and invisible. As such, my research and technical experience spans across multiple disciplines including machine learning (specifically recommender systems), psychology, social justice, and my home discipline human-computer interaction. 

*DISCLAIMER*: This page has not been updated recently. For more recent publications please see my Google Scholar profile.


1. Schoenebeck, S., Batool, A., Do, G., Darling, S., Grill, G., Wilkinson, D., & Ashwell, L. (2023). Online Harassment in Majority Contexts: Examining Harms and Remedies across Countries. In The Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


2. Wilkinson, D., & Knijnenburg, B. P. (2022). Many Islands, Many Problems: An Empirical Examination of Online Safety Behaviors in the Caribbean. In The Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


3. Im, J., Schoenebeck, S., Wilkinson, D., Batool, A., Alharvi, R., Funwie, A., Gankhuu, T., Gilbert, E., Naseem, M. (2022). Beyond Borders: Women's Perspectives on Harm and Justice after Online Harassment. In the Proceedings of the 2022 CSCW Conference On Computer- Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing.


4. Wilkinson, D. (2021). Artificially Intelligent and Inclusive by Design: A Human-Centered Approach to Online Safety. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies - AIofAI 2021 co-located with 30th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021).

5. Wilkinson, D., Namara, M., Guo, L., Patil, K., Knijnenburg, B. P. (2021). The Pursuit of Transparency and Control: A Taxonomy of Ad Explanations in Social Media. The proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
Nominated for Best Paper Award

6. Wilkinson, D., Alkan, O., Liao, Q. V., Mattetti, M., Vejsbjerg, I., Daly, E. M., Knijnenburg, B. P. (2021). Why or why not? The Effect of Justification Styles on Chatbot Recommendations. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS).


7. Wilkinson, D. (2020). All Experiences Matter: Designing Safety Tools for Vulnerable Groups in the Caribbean. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-5).


8. Wilkinson, D, Bahirat, P., Namara, M., Lyu, J., Alsubhi, A., Wisniewski P., & Knijnenburg, B. P. (2020). Privacy at a Glance: The User-Centric Design of Glanceable Data Exposure Visualizations. The proceedings of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS).


9. Namara, M., Wilkinson, D., Caine, K., & Knijnenburg, B. P. (2020). Emotional and Practical Considerations toward the Adoption and Abandonment of VPNs as a Privacy-Enhancing Technology. In the proceedings of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS).


10. Sullivan, E., Bountouridis, D., Harambam, J., Najafian, S., Loecherbach, F., Makhortykh, M., Kelen, D., Wilkinson, D., Graus, D., & Tintarev, N. (2019). Reading News with a Purpose: Explaining User Profiles for Self-Actualization. Proceedings UMAP (User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization).


11. Namara, M., Wilkinson, D., Lowens, B. M., Knijnenburg, B. P., Orji, R., & Sekou, R. L. (2018). Cross-cultural perspectives on eHealth privacy in Africa. In Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities (p. 7). ACM.


12. Wilkinson, D. (2018). Testing a recommender system for self-actualization. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 543-547). ACM.


13. Wilkinson, D., Sivakumar, S., Cherry, D., Knijnenburg, B. P., Raybourn, E. M., Wisniewski, P., & Sloan, H. (2017).
User-tailored privacy by design. In Proceedings of the Usable Security Mini Conference.

14. Knijnenburg, B., Raybourn, E., Cherry, D., Wilkinson, D., Sivakumar, S., & Sloan, H. (2017). Death to the Privacy Calculus?. Available at SSRN:


15. Knijnenburg, B. P., Sivakumar, S., & Wilkinson, D. (2016). Recommender systems for self-actualization. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 11-14). ACM.


Technical Reports
Knijnenburg, B., Cherry, D., Wilkinson, D., Sivakumar, Ghaiumy Anaraky, R., Namara, M., Ash, E., & Davis R. (2017). Privacy Support for the Total Learning Architecture: Operational Characteristics. Technical Report.

Co-organized Workshops and Panels
Wilkinson, D., Crawford, K., Wallach, H., Raji, D., Rakova, B., Singh, R., Strohmayer, A., Zuckerman, E. (2023). Accountability in Algorithmic Systems: From Principles to Practice. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Wilkinson, D., Ekstrand, M., Vertesi, J. and Olteanu, A. (2023). Theories of Change in Responsible AI. CRAFT at the 2023 FAcct Conference (2023).


Wilkinson, D., Namara, M., Badillo-Urquiola, K., Wisniewski, P. J., Knijnenburg, B. P., Page, X., ... &
Romano-Bergstrom, J. (2018). Moving Beyond a" one-size fits all" Exploring Individual Differences in Privacy. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8).


Book Chapters
Page, X., Berrios, S., Wilkinson, D., & Wisniewski, P. J. (2021). Social Media and Privacy. Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy. Springer.

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